
We intend Frankness as the Latin ‘sinceritas’.

FRANKNESS is an attribute quite similar to OUTSPOKENNESS. Notwithstanding, the latter is for us tantamount to the ancient Greek word <PARRESIA>, that is the habit of saying the truth regardless of all consequences. For instance, it is <parresia> if one gives voice to critical opinions in the presence of a cantankerous dictator. In many other instances, FRANKNESS is the attitude of plainspoken, straightforward and blunt people. As an example, an office manager could inform an employee that the latter will not be promoted in his career. This way the manager is showing frankness (not <parresia>) because his communication to the employee normally implies no risks. In such a situation the manager could just buy time and avoid himself the embarassing information. Nonetheless, he chooses to be frank.  And this is a valuable attitude on his part.

As with a lot of many a virtue mentioned in this site, FRANKNESS might prove double edged. In fact, owing to malice and bad faith on behalf of the others it could cause some problems. As an example, some individuals could take advantage of plainspoken people using their information against them. That is why this kind of  probity must be preserved in a lucide and attentive way.

We intend Frankness as the Latin 'sinceritas'.

We intend Frankness as the Latin ‘sinceritas’. In the end, there might be specific cases when we need not to employ FRANKNESS (or another quality). This could be a choice to preserve the final goal of the virtuous subject in order to safeguard himself.

This is Sokratiko’s way to interpret the notion of FRANKNESS. Please continue to browse our list of philosophical TOPICS by clicking on the other entries of our list.