Life is action. It is so even for the best philosophers (who do not match the stereotype of blah blah blah people). Therefore, not your thoughts, not your ideas, not your dreams or aspirations will sum up your life at the very end of it. In fact, it is going to be your concrete activity which the world will mainly judge. Hence, your actions say who you are and they tell your personal story to other people. However, this is not to say that projects, intentions and ambitions are irrelevant crumbles of our life. We simply say that for the rest of the world (apart from you) your undertakings prevail on your many imaginations. And such a notion is elementary. Indeed, facts and activities are much easier to weigh than words. Results of pursuits are much easier to check and assess than fantasies. On the contrary, ideas and plans might be enthralling but less measurable.
Life is action. Like it or not, words and visions will mainly be lost forever. In fact, these things (words and visions) are immaterial, just fleeting creations of our mind. Therefore, when the mind switches off they simply (and promptly) disappear. Unless you are a prominent poet, prophet, writer or philosopher (old-fashioned philosophers). But even for a poet, prophet, writer or philosopher, actions will stay in pole position among his things to remember.
Life is action (at least in our philosophy). For a review of our philosophical approach see also the ABOUT US section of this website.