Website Birthday

Second year online of the website.

This website ( was born on November 2nd 2019. Hence, November 2nd 2021 marks two years since the birth of our digital location for philosphy‘s enthusiasts. Actually, our specific target is not the general public of philosophy, although we certainly welcome whoever loves philosophical issues. In fact, the ideal audience of Sokratiko has a relevant interest for the ancient traditions of Stoicism, Cynicism and Epicureanism.

However, we want to underline that our way of interpreting those historical traditions is an actualization. Indeed, our set of values and our idea of virtue are very similar. Nonetheless, we drop the SCRUPULOUSNESS on wealth, power, fame and pleasure into our contemporary times.

This website aims at collecting ideas, suggestions and considerations around a new way of Stoicism. But, in order to devise a contemporary version of that philosophical movement, one has to possess a very good knowledge of Ancient Stoicism. Therefore, we like to have a number of references to past MASTERS and WORDS.

The name Sokratiko is a way to pay homage to Sokrates (Socrates) who, in our view, is not only the father of Western philosophy. In short, we believe he is more specifically the number one old man of Stoicism and of the other thoughts we very much appreciate.