directed by Joel and Ethan Coen (2007) – Sudden turns of life, strange coincidences, unexplainable surprises, accidents or other twists of fate do fill everybody’s life in abundance. In ever-changing situations READINESS and principles are necessary – on a daily basis – to face the unexpected. In fact the right attitude in answering is the best response to all questions. He who is fast and easy has the permission not to be perfectly efficient in his answer.
This movie stars Tommy Lee Jones as Ed Tom Bell (picture: “File:MTE4MDAzNDEwNzU5OTQzNjk0.jpg” by Britasc is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0).
directed by Tom Ford (2016) – Confronting brutality and useless violence might pull basic instincts and savage reactions out of the most peaceful persons. This is one of the most challenging field. Because it is easy to predicate but everything changes when violence falls, for instance, on our dears. In these cases everybody might go crazy and become even worse than the perpetrators. Resisting is not easy and it needs a complete TRAINING in SELF-CONTROL. However there are big misunderstandings in judging people who are capable of maintaining themselves calm. Too many people are prone to think that calmness, in brutal circumstances, is just sign of cowardice. Well, this is another price to pay for marking a difference in life.
Movies N is the list of films whose titles start with N. Continue browsing our list of inspirational movies by visiting the other letters.