We intend Fortitude as the Latin ‘fortitudo’.
We use the word FORTITUDE – whose Latin origin is manifest – in order to convey the notion of ‘mental strength’. Also ‘resilience’ and ‘adaptability’ belong to this concept, with an accent on psychological and moral capacities.
Sometimes FORTITUDE needs the aid of physical vigour if a tiresome target is our aspiration. However, this virtue‘s assets are prevailingly of a mental nature. In fact, it is the mind which governs the appropriate use of all bodily means. What would ever achieve a powerful body without the efficient control-room of our brain?
As with many other virtues, FORTITUDE is an aspect that we could be simply born with. Or it is a trait which we could develop with proper exercises and TRAINING. For instance, fasting is not particularly difficult when it is just for one day. Nonetheless, the FORTITUDE we would need to endure a week-long (or a month-long) abstinence requires scrupulous and serious preparations.
We intend Fortitude as the Latin ‘fortitudo’. As an example, FORTITUDE is a necessity to cope with long slots of solitude. Let us think about people who sail on their own, for months, in the oceans. They certainly need a very strong mentality. FORTITUDE is also necessary when facing lasting efforts. It is the case of writers who have to deliver (a book) respecting strict deadlines. FORTITUDE is compulsory in front of sacrifices and renounces. Let us think of individuals who find themselves unemployed and with no money. Equally important is this attribute in order to tackle intimate losses. For instance, whoever suffers the death of a companion, a parent, a relative.
This is Sokratiko’s way to interpret the notion of FORTITUDE. Please continue to browse our list of philosophical TOPICS by clicking on the other entries of our list.