
KOINOS is ‘common’. Other translations of this ancient Greek word are ‘shared’, ‘spread’, ‘public’. The term bears a strict relation to the notions of community, partnership, fellowship, neighborliness, cooperation.

The idea of actions for the common good in the actual moment is in the writings of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augusts (Marcus Aurelius). He says “the fruit of this short life is a good character and to act for the common good”. He also promotes a morning ritual to remind ourselves that we “have by nature the purpose of working with others”.

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<Koinos> is ‘common’. A similar term appears in Marcus Aurelius and Epiktetos (Epictetus). It is <allêlôn> and it denotes that we should live “for each other” or “for one another”.

It is clear that our philosophy’s focus is on the individual. But it is so for the benefit of the entire community. In fact, at the beginning (Sokrates), the work on oneself has the task of getting young individuals ready to be in command. The culture we call <care of self> (<epimeleia heautou>) changes in Roman time and it becomes a general attitude. Nonetheless, in Ancient Greece it stems from the need to educate immature people and elevate them into the ruling class. The philosophical culture of the <care of self> has its origin in the idea of ‘service for the community’. Indeed, Alkibiades (Alcibiades) is young and ambitious but illiterate and ignorant when Sokrates dares speaking to him. It takes just a few questions for Sokrates to corner his young interlocutor. And, in a few minutes, it becomes clear to Alkibiades himself that he needs a guidance.