We intend Guidance as the Latin ‘magisterium’.
The problematic aspect of human life is ‘conscience‘. Yes, being aware of the surrounding world is great. But being aware of ourselves is troublesome. In fact, our faculty of self-reflection displays paradoxical sides. First and foremost, it is uneasy to be simultaneously <subjects> and <objects> of the mental activity. For instance, whoever embarks on SOUL-SEARCHING is the <subject> who rates himself as the <object>. Thus, he has to judge his own thoughts. And the judgement is itself another thought!
In such a situation, SOUL-SEARCHING is difficult. Who is really as impartial as to be able to rate himself ? Self-analysis is one case of the conflict arising when we act as the <subject> and as the <object>. For this reason, external aids are beneficial. But the ‘third party’ role should be ‘enforced’ by competent teachers.
A proficient GUIDANCE is helpful not just for the young. And it is supportive regardless of the maturity of the recipients. In fact, old and experienced people might equally find assistance and comfort from good MASTERS. The implication is clear. All masters themselves do need a GUIDANCE.
We intend Guidance as the Latin ‘magisterium’. Anyway, MASTERS are hard to choose and to find. There are too many dangerous people around. These individuals offer themselves out as “first aid guidances”. But they only look for money and control, causing confusion, misunderstanding and troubles as well.
A quick way to check if someone is a good GUIDANCE is this three-requisite rule. Firstly, he should manage a theoretical apparatus. Secondly, he should be an example of what himself teaches. Thirdly, he should entertain a dialogue (<parresia>) with his pupils.
This is Sokratiko’s way to interpret the notion of GUIDANCE. Please continue to browse our list of philosophical TOPICS by clicking on the other entries of our list.