We are our chain and we do not know it. This is an issue very similar to the CAGE one (see by clicking on CAGE). Cages and chains are both impediments and restraints of our liberty. Which most of the times is a mental liberty more than a physical one. In fact, there is no chain stronger, more robust and unbreakable than the one we enforce ourselves on our soul. Anyway, a few times we are conscious of the bonds and ties we build and impose on our life. But a lot of other times we do not even guess these self-constraining operations of our labyrinthine mind.
Maybe it is a weird fear of the real FREEDOM which pushes ourselves when we self-impose limitations to our liberty. Therefore, an accurate SOUL-SEARCHING should be the preliminary action to carry out to start a review of our behaviour. In Chain of Fools Aretha Franklin sings “Every chain, has got a weak link / I might be weak yeah / But I’ll give you strength / Oh, hey” (see the SONGS section of this site). We are our chain and we do not know it. Firstly, we should realize it. Then, we should break the chain.